Following Your Intuition to Make Decisions in Your Business

Following your intuition is key for making effective decisions for your business, but it’s much easier said than done. That’s why episode 61 of the Fierce as F*ck Podcast is all about following your intuition and learning from the times you don’t. 

In case this is your first time stopping by, hello beautiful people! My name is Amanda King and I’m an empowerment coach. I believe in going against pretty much what every other coach out there says, and I’m passionate as f*ck about helping empower women to step out of fear and into 6-figure sales.

So if you’re ready to learn how to f*ck fear and build the business of your dreams, this podcast – and ALL of the Fierce as F*ck Brand – is for you!

In today’s episode, we’re specifically diving into how following your intuition can help you make the best decisions possible for your business. So check out my top tips in the three points below, and be sure to tune in to episode 61 of the Fierce as F*ck Podcast to hear even more details.

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Following Your Intuition to Make Business Decisions, Point #1: When you don’t follow your intuition and you f*ck up...OWN IT.

I lost a client the other and it was my own fault, and I think one of the hardest things to do as a coach and as a human in general is to own the fact that you f*cked up. And I say this with the utmost love and respect: you will f*ck up so much in your coaching career. I will never be perfect and neither will you. 

And instead of listening to my gut saying this client wasn’t the right fit for me, I listened to the ego that told me, “There’s only one of her. You’ll be able to handle it.” So I accepted this client into a program, and then she decided to leave – just like I knew would happen. I wish her nothing but the best of success, as I’m sure she does me as well. But I should have never allowed it to get that far. The second I feel something is not right or that someone is not a good fit, as a business owner, I should have enough balls to say, “You know what? This isn’t working. We shouldn’t do this.”

So I f*cked up, and it’s powerful to admit that I could’ve been a better leader or a better role model or just plain better. And a lot of people in the online space are afraid to do this. But in the past year, I’ve noticed that more people are shifting to more realistic coaches who do admit their faults versus coaches who have this unattainable lifestyle.

That’s why I want all coaches to know this: if you don’t listen to your gut and something goes wrong, you’ve got to be the one who takes responsibility because it’s your client and it’s not their responsibility. But don’t beat yourself up over it, either. Instead, treat that moment as a huge, beautiful, valuable lesson because you learn one every time you fail and fall on your face in your coaching journey.

Following Your Intuition to Make Business Decisions, Point #2: Realize that you aren’t meant to work with everyone, and you should NOT sell yourself for money.

I think one of the most valuable lessons that I have learned over the past few years is that I don’t want to work with everybody and I cannot work with everybody. Just like you shouldn’t want to work with everybody and you cannot work with everybody.

You want to work with the people who are aligned with you, who have the same energy as you, who want to know and learn and grow and are coachable by you. You don’t want to work with someone you have to basically convince to work with you, or who just doesn’t feel right to you. And yes, we all want money, but no amount of money is worth working with the wrong person.

So don’t sell your time and energy to people who aren’t seeking it out. See the value that is YOU. And I know you want clients and for people to join your coaching groups. But I’m also sure every single one of you has had a client that you took on just because you wanted the money and you ended up totally regretting it.

Because I have. And that’s OK, because entrepreneurship, it’s a learning experience. But know you’re not selfish to want to work with clients that set your soul on fire. You are not an asshole or whatever name you’re probably calling yourself because you have expectations for your clients.

And we NEED to let go of all of the clients that don’t feel good to us because every time you release something that does not serve you, you call in something so much bigger and better that does. But if you don’t release it, you won’t be able to work with that dream client. You’ll be too tied down by the other clients that actually don’t align with you. And I love people and I always want to help people. But some people will come to you who you just can’t help. And that’s OK.

And saying “no” to one client doesn’t mean that the universe is going to think you’re an ungrateful b*tch who doesn’t deserve any more clients. Actually, it does the exact opposite. The universe sees that you are up leveling and so the universe will give you everything to help with that up level.

Hey there! I'm Amanda King!

I am a Women’s Empowerment and Business Coach who teaches women to step out of their fear and into 6 figure Sales . I teach women how to grow their business organically without the use of sales funnels, websites, and email marketing.

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Following Your Intuition to Make Business Decisions, Point #3: Reflect on your year so you can learn from when you did follow your intuition and when you didn’t...

I’m in a huge self-reflection phase right now in my business because I grew exponentially this year, which is amazing, but it also caused me to fail so hard on so many levels, so many different times.


When you get thrown into a business at warp speed, you don’t get thrown in there perfectly. You don’t create this big, beautiful, linear path. You get beat between one rock and another and another until you create a zigzag f*cking road. But now that I’m on the other end of that road, I can turn around and take stock of every single beautiful, valuable lesson I learned hitting those rocks.

And at the end of this year – or even at the end of each month – I strongly encourage you to not just focus on what you want to do next, but to also ask yourself hard questions like: 

  • Where did I f*ck up this last month or year?
  • What do I not want to do next year?
  • Where do I not want to repeat these same mistakes? 

It’s not easy to critically reflect on your business or to call yourself out, but it’s necessary if you want to grow your business and move forward. Reflection and practice are the only ways you’re going to learn and grow. So instead of being like, “OK, I’m done with you,” take time to reflect. Because what’s going to serve you is the reflection phase. 

And the next year and the next months can and will be epic if you allow them to be. If you do the inner work, your life can change. And if you go through reflection and you own what you did right and what you did wrong, there’s so much power in that.

Following Your Intuition to Make Business Decisions: The Bottomline

If this episode has made you realize that you’re not listening to your intuition when making business decisions, don’t beat yourself up about it. Be kind to yourself. Give yourself some grace. And realize that every f*ck up you have is teaching you a lesson. Because perfection doesn’t exist. I strive to fail beautifully. I strive to fail so hard that every lesson I learned moving forward is a life-changing lesson.

That’s what I strive to do. What do you strive to do?

I love you guys so much, and thank you for being here with me. Be sure to tune in to episode 61 of the Fierce as F*ck Podcast for even more motivation and inspiration to follow your intuition and become an even more badass business owner!

If you love this episode as much as I do, don’t forget to take a screenshot, share it on your Instagram stories and tag me @fierceasfucktribe so that even more people can follow their gut and own their f*ck ups.

Meet Amanda King!

She is a Women’s Empowerment and Business Coach who teaches women to step out of their fear and into 6 figure Sales . She teaches women how to grow their business organically without the use of sales funnels, websites, and email marketing. She began her Coaching Business is Jan 2019 and created a six figure business in three months. She now helps teach women to do the same!