Fear Can Help You Grow, But Should Never Run Your Life

Fear can be beneficial in forcing you and your business to grow, but you should never let fear run your life. That’s why in episode 63 of the Fierce as F*ck Podcast, I’m talking all about my relationship with fear and how I went from letting it control my life to making it my best friend (and even my b*tch…)

In case this is your first time stopping by, hello beautiful people! My name is Amanda King and I’m an empowerment coach. I believe in going against pretty much what every other coach out there says, and I’m passionate as f*ck about helping empower women to step out of fear and into 6-figure sales.

So if you’re ready to learn how to f*ck fear and build the business of your dreams, this podcast – and ALL of the Fierce as F*ck Brand – is for you!

In today’s episode, we’re specifically diving into how you can use fear to your own advantage instead of leaning on it like a crutch. So check out my top tips in the three points below, and be sure to tune in to episode 63 of the Fierce as F*ck Podcast to hear even more details.

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How to Make Fear Your Secret to Success Instead of a Crutch, Point #1: The moment I realized that I was letting fear CONTROL my life.

In this episode, I am so excited to talk to you guys about my favorite subject of all time: fear. People often think I’m weird or crazy because I love fear, but fear is what got me here today. Fear is what helped me go from totally broke in 2018 to having $10,000 months more recently.

And I can talk about that broke time with a smile now, but honestly, it was f*cking terrible time. 

I had owned a dog care business that was making a great amount of money, but we ended up finding out we weren’t allowed to own a dog care business in the county that we were in, so we had to shut the doors. But I kept spending money like the doors were still open. So by that Thanksgiving, I opened my business account and there was no money in there. Not a single f*cking dollar. 

I instantly started crying because I was so ashamed of what I had done. I was so ashamed of being so broke. I was so ashamed, I couldn’t even tell my partner what was wrong. And I felt frozen the entire month of December. I’d wake up in a complete panic, terrified of getting that stupid notification from Bank of America that “your account is below twenty-five dollars.” And every morning, there it would be. And every morning of that December, I’d cry. 

And it’s insane to think about because it feels like that’s not even my life anymore. It feels like I’m telling someone else’s story. But I’m proud it’s my story because even though December was the hardest month of my entire f*cking life, it was also the most freeing. Why? 

I realized that I was letting fear take over my life. Fear of not being good enough. Fear of not being worthy for people to pay for what I have to offer. Fear of continuing to play small. Fear of being my authentic self.

I literally manifested being broke because I was so scared of it already happening. And then there it was: my biggest fear, staring at me right in the f*cking face. And if you’ve ever stared down your worst fear or your worst nightmare, you know how powerful that is.

How to Make Fear Your Secret to Success Instead of a Crutch, Point #2: Realize that you aren’t meant to work with everyone, and you should NOT sell yourself for money.

Staring fear in the face changed EVERYTHING, including how I saw fear. And you’re going to think I’m crazy to say this, but what if we looked at fear like it was our best f*cking friend? Because let me tell you, fear will not go anywhere. No matter what level of income or success you have, fear will always be there. And shouldn’t you take some comfort in that? Fear is like the best friend that will never leave your side. 

And back in December, I started treating fear just like that. I decided to stop letting fear cripple my life and to use it as a motivator. Because I never want to be broke again. I never want to be scared of f*cking showing up and speaking my truth. I was done with being afraid and playing small. 

So I looked at fear and said, “It’s time we switched roles. It’s time I took my power back.” 

And if you’re feeling trapped by fear, it’s time you took your power back as well. Because fear can either be the thing that completely crumbles your life and business or it can be the thing that makes it f*cking shine.

So every time you get a nervous feeling in your stomach, I want you to ask yourself, “How do I know those butterflies are not a sign of excitement? How do I know they’re not a sign of joy? How do I know they’re not my intuition telling me something really big is on the other side of this, as long as I push through the fear?”

Yes, you’re going to be terrified. But what if you did whatever is scaring the sh*t out of you anyway? What if instead of letting fear control you, you looked at it dead in the f*cking face and said, “Not today. Today, you’re my bitch – not the other way around. Today I am going to use you to create success and life and wellness and abundance and happiness and wealth.”

Because it’s your decision. You can allow fear to dictate and control every ounce of you on this planet. Or you can take this best friend that will never leave you and show up ten times bigger, ten times more honest, ten times more authentic and ten times more successful because of it.

That’s what I did last December and I made quantum f*cking leaps in my business. Because you know what happens when you constantly face fear? Your entire life can change in an instant.

Hey there! I'm Amanda King!

I am a Women’s Empowerment and Business Coach who teaches women to step out of their fear and into 6 figure Sales . I teach women how to grow their business organically without the use of sales funnels, websites, and email marketing.

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How to Make Fear Your Secret to Success Instead of a Crutch, Point #3: The importance of pushing through fear and showing up as your authentic self.

The beginning of this year, I f*cked fear and showed up in the online space as a life coach. I didn’t know how it was going to work or what I’d be teaching or what I’d be offering. But I showed up as Amanda King: loud-cursing, hand-moving, speaking-too-quickly, too-energetic, too-passionate, too-much, Amanda King.


And when you show up as your true, authentic self and don’t let fear take over, you change and there is no going back. Because every single time you feel fear creeping in and you push through, it is like being hit with a bolt of lightning. People can sense it and you become magnetic to your ideal clients and everyone else in your life. Everyone wants to stick to you and be in your presence and hear what you want to say. 

Why? Because not everyone can feel the fear and push through it anyway and show their authentic selves. If everyone could, we’d all be millionaires fanning ourselves with money.

This is not something that’s easily done. It will take practice and trial-and-error and a lot of failure. But it will also cause a lot of victories, love, compassion and grace.

In less than a year, I’ve been able to make four hundred and ninety-one thousand dollars in sales in my business. And I wouldn’t have without making fear my best friend.

So I want to ask you: are ready to make fear your b*tch? Because fear can be the most amazing energy. It can be full of positivity, love, light and abundance. But only if you choose to make it that way.

How to Make Fear Your Secret to Success Instead of a Crutch: The Bottomline

I know that fear is often an emotion we strive to avoid or run away from. But let me tell you, your entire life will change once you stop giving all of the power to fear and start making the most out of the power that lies within you. Use fear. Harness it. Because it’s not just some emotion or some overwhelming cloud. It’s power. 

So let’s f*cking claim it.

I love you guys so much, and thank you for being here with me. Be sure to tune in to episode 63 of the Fierce as F*ck Podcast for even more motivation and inspiration to make fear your b*tch!

If you love this episode, don’t forget to take a screenshot, share it on your Instagram stories and tag me @fierceasfucktribe so that even more people can make fear their best f*cking friend and stop letting it get in the way of achieving their dreams.

Meet Amanda King!

She is a Women’s Empowerment and Business Coach who teaches women to step out of their fear and into 6 figure Sales . She teaches women how to grow their business organically without the use of sales funnels, websites, and email marketing. She began her Coaching Business is Jan 2019 and created a six figure business in three months. She now helps teach women to do the same!