Launch Strategy

Launch Strategies Don't Work If You Can't Energetically Get Behind It

I work with a lot of seasoned and new coaches, when it comes to launches, I see the same mistake being made over and over again. In episode 70 of the Fierce as F*ck Podcast, I am talking all about launch strategy and how no strategy will work for you if you cannot get behind it energetically!

In case this is your first time stopping by, hello beautiful people! My name is Amanda King and I’m an empowerment coach. I believe in going against pretty much what every other coach out there says, and I’m passionate as f*ck about helping empower women to step out of fear and into 6-figure sales.

So if you’re ready to learn how to f*ck fear and build the business of your dreams, this podcast – and ALL of the Fierce as F*ck Brand – is for you!

In today’s episode, we are tackling a common mistake in both seasoned and new coaches when it comes to launch strategy. So check out my own experiences and insight below, and be sure to tune in to episode 70 of the Fierce as F*ck Podcast to hear even more details. 

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Launch Strategies Don't Work If You Can't Energetically Get Behind It, Point #1: A launch is so simple, yet we complicate the process.

It breaks my heart because I see these new coaches come into the online space with all this hope and motivational energy, they take a few business courses to find a launch strategy. The coach implements this strategy that worked for someone else, they end up disliking the strategy and find that they’re not aligned whatsoever. Then their program flops and they get upset about the strategy. Here’s the f*cking truth behind that, NO strategy will work for your launch if you can’t energetically get behind it! 

A launch is SO simple and yet we complicate the process because we think we need to copy other coaches and implement the exact strategy with no adjustments. We do these launches, they don’t feel good to us, and then we wonder why our program isn’t selling. Even if you try your hardest to hide the negative energy, it will be pulsating out of you like a stink bomb. TRUST ME. People will notice and see that you don’t look happy to launch or that you’re not 100% into it.

Launch Strategy

Launch Strategies Don't Work If You Can't Energetically Get Behind It, Point #2: The biggest strategy of launch strategy - launching only works if you LOVE your launch.

This is the biggest f*cking secret you will ever hear about launch strategy, launching only works if you LOVE your launch. Just because one coach had a strategy that worked for them does not mean it will work for you. You have to develop your own personalized launch strategy.

You can look at all these other coaches and take little pieces of their launch strategy that feel authentic to you, but YOU have to create your own launch strategy. If you ever come into a launch with bad energy, your launch will SUCK. People don’t want to see the same launch 85,000 times. Each coach launches the same way, I’ll explain it right now. I see this over and over again. 

The coach comes out with either a 3-day challenge, webinar series, or a masterclass. Then, they have an opt-in which funnels people to their closed Facebook Group. Once they’re in that Facebook Group, they hold the challenge. After about 3-5 days, the coach then sells their program and releases their offer. Every single coach does this. Does this strategy work? Yeah for some people but only the people energetically behind it. If you are not a person who likes following structure and opt-ins, upsells, whatever it is, create your own path. Bottom line, anything that doesn’t feel good to you, DON’T DO IT.

Hey there! I'm Amanda King!

I am a Women’s Empowerment and Business Coach who teaches women to step out of their fear and into 6 figure Sales . I teach women how to grow their business organically without the use of sales funnels, websites, and email marketing.

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Launch Strategies Don't Work If You Can't Energetically Get Behind It, Point #3: If you are walking out of your launch exhausted, that’s normal. If you are walking out of your launch and hate the idea of launching ever again… GIRL, it’s time to switch sh*t up!

As you evolve as a business owner, everything will evolve including your launch strategy. If you try to launch like you did last year, but it doesn’t feel authentic, change the launch, it’s that simple.

Processed With Darkroom

So many coaches get in their heads about having to follow a specific structure, create your own structure. 

Build your own f*cking path, build a launch so epic and so fun that you walk out feeling like you could launch again in 2 weeks. If you walk out of a launch and feel you can launch again, that’s a successful launch whether people buy or not. That’s the truth. If you are sitting here really struggling with launch strategy, figuring out tips and tricks, STOP. Create your own. Their sh*t is successful for them because they can get energetically behind it. 

This last launch I did for Six-Figure Boss B*tch, I tried to launch like every other coach and it f*cking SUCKED. I hated it. I shifted it so much because I didn’t feel authentic and aligned. If it doesn’t feel authentic to you, it won’t sell. People can feel your energy.

Launch Strategies Don't Work If You Can't Energetically Get Behind It: The Bottomline

So when it comes to launching, create your own launch. Last year I launched 85 programs with live video. I didn’t use opt-ins, and I sold at the end of every live video. I achieved a multi-six figure business from doing that. I created my own path that felt good for me, you have to figure out what works for you.

You have to figure out a new strategy and try new things, that is what a launch is about. Make your launch strategy personalized to you and I guarantee you will have great results because you will show up like a f*cking boss. Most importantly, you will be having FUN!

I love you guys so much and thank you for being here with me. Be sure to tune in to episode 70 of the Fierce as F*ck Podcast for even more motivation and inspiration to show up as your fiercest, most authentic self!

If you love this episode, don’t forget to take a screenshot, share it on your Instagram stories and tag me @fierceasfucktribe so that even more people embrace authenticity in their biz.

Meet Amanda King!

She is a Women’s Empowerment and Business Coach who teaches women to step out of their fear and into 6 figure Sales . She teaches women how to grow their business organically without the use of sales funnels, websites, and email marketing. She began her Coaching Business is Jan 2019 and created a six figure business in three months. She now helps teach women to do the same!